Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Paper Bags - Cora de Lang

Packaging of another type, Sickness bags collected in different flights become the medium in another room. The sound environment of the interior of air crafts keep the visitor constantly reminded of the discomfort in the congested space of an air craft when crossing boarders. The Air sickness bag is a necessity, if failed to have in hand in the moment of need; it is a great embarrassment to the sick and unpleasant journey to all. The packaging for vomit in airlines is standardized and has been most unimaginative in design for years. By painting them with emblems and drawn from the realm of Airport Art, De Lang does not mealy give added value to the boring Sickness bags. To her, each bag collected from a different airline is a trip crossing not only geographical but also cultural boarders. Asoka de Soysa --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They also make her intensely cosmopolitan in her ideological approach to life and art. The conception of cosmopolitanism seen in her work brings a self reflexive openness to cultural difference and experiences multiple citizenships, a notion of being a citizen of the world which opens up a universe of multiple cultural landscapes where her appropriations, inclusions, fusions and inlays of cultural iconography somehow seems more legitimate and more ethical. This also makes personal and artistic sense as de Lang relays a highly iconographic and somewhat autobiographic narrative referring to ...

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