Like most of us know from harsh experience, preparing for a vacation can be a stressful exercise before we even set foot on a plane.
Memories of passports, travel money and tickets, which can be used for trips to the airport, queuing for check-in and security - do not delay to flight - all leave us feeling exhausted and under pressure.
The additional stresses that taking a long-haul flight, ie the mental and physical condition can be much worse for the wear bythe time we land and begin our supposedly relaxing holiday.
This article presents some ways to help stay healthy feeling on long-haul flights.
A long-haul flight is generally an escape for more than seven hours. That's a long time, SA will be immobile, and this immobility may circulatory disorders, such as blood clots and DVT (deep vein thrombosis), which can be fatal cause.
Here are some tips that can help:
Stay active:
ToCombat these cardiovascular problems, it is important that you move your legs during your flight.
In its in-flight magazine and videos, the majority of airlines various exercises you can do in your seat during the flight to recommend to your legs active. You should also try to keep by their phone from your place, I and along the cabin for 5 or 10 minutes per hour during the flight.
Also to consider crossing your ankles, drinking alcohol or caffeine andWear compression stockings that are medically proven to help you to Combat Flight related DVT.
Drink lots of water:
Another point to think that it is important to stay hydrated during the flight. The air in an aircraft cabin during flight is very dry (the humidity in a plane is 20% and 5% lower) than the humidity in the Sahara.
So drink plenty of water or soft drinks before boarding and regularly during the flight. By the way, alcoholPeople feel themselves to avoid dehydration, so try to drink too much, how do you feel much worse.
A point to remember is that restrictions mean for the transportation of liquids onto a plane, you need not take water on board after the security check in the departure hall to buy.
Reduce jet lag:
Can leave long-haul flights where jet-lagged as your body clock adjust to fighting a new time zone. Jet lag, you can leave feeling fatigued and exhausted ordo not sleep in the situation. There are a few ways that you are trying to prevent jet lag.
As already mentioned any alcohol before and during the flight and also drink plenty of water. Try to get your clock to the time of your destination as soon as you begin your flight and then try to sleep on the plane when your clock says it before bedtime.
If there is still daytime when your flight lands, try to stay awake until night time, no matter how tired you are. Try and get into the sun asThis will help to change your body clock and adjust more quickly.
Some people find that taking melatonin, a type of hormone that can help reduce jet lag, too. You should talk to your doctor about this and get a prescription.
We hope these proposals, you will arrive feeling fit and healthy and able to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.
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